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The SeriTek/2ME4-E Offers Several Key Advantages

1. High performance eSATA host adapter with 64-bit and 32-bit "Snow Leopard" compatibility
2. Backward compatible with Mac OS X 10.4.6 or higher
3. Compatible with all Apple Mac Pro models
4. Compatible with PowerMac G5 (11,2) PCIe model
5. Bootable with PowerMac G5 (11,2) PCIe model
6. Native PCI-Express to Serial ATA controller chip
7. Energy efficient eSATA controller (Typically, uses 4 watts)
8. Supports Disk Utility RAID 0, 1,and JBOD configurations
9. Supports up to 20 SATA hard disks using SeriTek/5PM
10. Supports up to 4 direct connect SATA hard disks
11. Ultra High Performance PCI-Express 4x design
12. Low power usage = Low Heat = No Fan Required = Quiet Operation
13. Provides hot swap and PM support that is not available with the internal Mac Pro bays
14. Hot swap enclosure leaves internal Mac Pro bays open for Mac OS X and Boot Camp
15. Bandwidth can exceed 700MB/sec. with a HD configuration that can support that speed
Recorded single card 20 HD PM RAID 0 average read performance of 712MB/sec.
Recorded single card 20 HD PM RAID 0 average write performance of 801MB/sec.
16. Includes Mac OS X SMART Application Support
17. User-upgradeable firmware
18. Utilizes standard eSATA connectors
19. Multiple SeriTek/2ME4-E controllers can be configured to support a single huge RAID set
20. Dual SeriTek/2ME4-E cards provide up to 1200MB/sec. average read rates with 20 HDs in 5 SeriTek/5PM enclosures
21. Affordable - at $199.95 this 4-port card is an excellent value based on performance and features
Performance data provided above was collected using FirmTek enclosures, the SeriTek/2ME4-E with driver 6.0.0 and a 2009 Apple Mac Pro 2.26 GHz running Mac OS X 10.6.1. Results may be different with third party enclosures or with different hard disk models.